Fundraising Email Template: How To Perfect Your Campaign

Email campaigns account for approximately 28% of all online revenue for nonprofit organizations (NPOs) Personalized fundraising emails boast an impressive open rate exceeding 82%.

Email campaigns are a smart move for NPOs. They help generate awareness, get donations, and keep your fundraising efforts afloat.

But the question is, how do you create a good fundraising email campaign? This guide will give you a complete breakdown of how to perfect fundraising emails.

We’ll also walk you through some sample donation email templates that you can put to use in your own campaign.

Why Write Fundraising Emails?

Sending donation request emails is one of the most effective tools for nonprofit organizations to raise funds. Their purpose is to ask for financial support and donations toward your cause.

This type of email content identifies the specific needs your organization is trying to fulfill.

Besides securing funds, these emails also help emphasize how your fundraising efforts will bring about positive change in today’s world.

Some other benefits of sending your donation request via email are:

👍 It’s cost-effective.

👍 It broadens your reach.

👍 It’s convenient for both NPOs and donors.

👍 You can hyper-personalize your emails to really grab the reader’s attention.

👍 You can collect valuable data on donor behavior, such as click-through rates, which can help inform your future fundraising campaigns.

How to Draft a Fundraising Email

There’s no one-size-fits-all template for fundraising; each organization or cause requires a tailored approach.

Instead, the ideal email is a combination of several elements, such as clear and precise messaging and defining your ultimate fundraising goals.

To help you craft the perfect email template for your fundraising campaign, here are some of our top tips:

✔️ Finesse your subject line

Subject lines are what get people to open emails. Your potential donors likely receive several emails each day, so you have to give them a good reason to open yours.

An enticing subject line can make or break your donation request, so be sure to put some consideration into this aspect of your campaign.

Some best practices for subject lines include:

  • Personalization: Use your email marketing tool to personalize your subject line by mentioning the recipient’s name, occupation, or the name of the company they work for.
  • Keep it short: Subject lines shouldn’t be more than 50 characters, as many email apps will cut off anything more lengthy than that.
  • Convey a sense of urgency: Use phrases that will urge the recipient to read the email immediately. 
  • Use action words: “Donate Now,” “Act Now,” or “Get Involved” are great examples of word combinations that will help convince the recipient to take action.

✔️ Use storytelling to create a personal connection

Using a storytelling element in your donation request can be a powerful way to grip your audience.

When it’s about raising money for a cause, your fundraising emails need a storyline to entice the reader to view the entire message.

You should always try to make it relatable by adding real examples of positive change your organization was responsible for. For example, it can be:

  • A specific event that benefited a community.
  • A personal story from someone you’ve helped.
  • Testimonials from the organizations you’ve assisted.

Here, your focus should be on the community members you serve, not your organization.

This is because people will pay more attention when you appeal to their human side. There’s no better way to do this than through storytelling.

✔️ Build relationships with potential donors

The main motive of your email should not be limited to fundraising alone. You should also aim to build a relationship with the prospective donors you’re contacting, as this can be fruitful in the long run.

If you’re getting low response rates, it may be a good idea to consider ways you can initiate a connection with your potential donors and then continue to build on this.

You should see fundraising as an opportunity to develop personal networks with people who are passionate about your cause.

As is true for the subject line, the tone you use in your message should also be personalized. This may help the prospects feel that their actions are essential to the cause.

✔️ Be transparent about funding

A common mistake to avoid in email fundraising is being unclear or vague about the purpose of your fund request.

If you want to leave new donors with a favorable impression, you must ensure that everything is transparent, as this builds trust between both parties.

You should be transparent with your potential donor about the funding gaps you’re struggling with. 

Keep the communication open and honest. This may help your prospects feel confident that their donations will make a real difference.

✔️ Keep it short and catchy

These days, no one has the time to read long emails. As the human attention span is on a downward curve, you should make an effort to keep your email content concise.

We know you have a lot to say and are passionate about your organization, but if you want readers to act, keep things simple.

That’s why your strategy should involve brief paragraphs, straightforward explanations, and a skimmable design.

You should also avoid complex language. Make it easy for potential donors to engage with your fundraising email, as this gives you a better chance of securing contributions from them.

✔️ Include a strong call to action (CTA)

Including calls to action in fundraising emails is a must. After all, you are asking for donations, so you should craft your email in such a way that it drives the reader to action.


👉 Our Expert Advice on Donation CTAs

We recommend that you weave your CTA into each email about three times. This should be done to appear natural, so add each CTA after a few paragraphs.

Also, be sure not to use the same phrase on each donate button or CTA design; vary your approach instead.

Better yet, you can use the Hyperise editor to create personalized CTAs in minutes!

✔️ Include visual content

Visual content not only simplifies your email for readers, but it can also tug on their heartstrings.

Attaching an image of your organization or the people and communities you help can grab your potential donor’s attention and gain their trust.

If you don’t have ready-to-use images available or if you want to personalize your visuals, use the Hyperise editor to entice your prospective donors.

✔️ Don’t ask for a donation right away

While it’s important to be honest and upfront with your prospective donor about why you’re emailing them, asking for money in your first cold email might not be the best strategy. Your primary goal should be to establish rapport first.

The first step in your fundraising email marketing campaign should be to inform donors about the fundraising goal. You should tell them about the cause you’re raising money for and why it’s important—this is where storytelling works best.

Once you’ve made an emotional connection with your donors, you can send follow-up emails requesting their support.

5 Fundraising Email Templates to Try

Whether you’re reaching out to individual donors or large corporations as a part of your online fundraising, a template may help get you started.

Here are five effective fundraising email examples for you to try out:

➡️ Email template 1: Donation request for families of military personnel 

This template instantly draws the reader in by appealing to their emotions in the first line. It also clearly demonstrates to prospective donors how their contribution would help.

Hello there (insert name),

We all know life is tough, but can you imagine losing your loved ones in a war?

Just think of how the world would change if you lost your family.

Sadly, several families around us suffer from the agony of losing their loved ones and face the harsh reality that they will never come home.

(Your organization name) is committed to providing counseling to military families who have lost their loved ones. (Insert amount) is more than enough to counsel a family for a year.

Please join us in helping a family by making a small contribution via our donation page.

(Insert donation link or CTA button)

➡️ Email template 2: Giving Tuesday

This template is effective because it references a special occasion to encourage a prospect to donate. Again, it appeals to their human side and uses emotive language to make a connection.

Dear (insert name),

Tomorrow is Giving Tuesday, a day all about paying it forward.

As a part of our fundraising efforts, we aim to raise enough funds in the next 24 hours so that we can provide (insert number) homes to (insert number) low-income families in (insert country name).

Your contribution will be matched when you donate toward a home in (insert country name).

Your actions matter because you can change the lives of low-income families in (insert country name).

Please send your gift to help those who need it most today.

(Insert donation link)

To really drive your point across, you can use the Hyperise editor tool to create customized fundraising emails with personalized images.

➡️ Email template 3: Urgent fundraising

If your initial fundraising emails haven’t garnered much response, consider creating a sense of urgency around your cause. An urgent fundraising template could be particularly effective in this case.

Dear (insert name),

As you know, last month, we worked to raise (insert amount) to help families in need in (insert country). Our community showed amazing support, and we’re so close to reaching our goal.

However, with only 12 hours left, we need your help! Right now, we’re only (insert amount) away from our goal, and we’re hoping you can help us reach the amount that we need to make a difference in the lives of those living in (insert country).

Your contribution of (insert amount) would go a long way toward us reaching our final goal.

(Insert donation link)

If you want to learn more about where the (total amount) is going and how your donation can help, visit our website. We’ve got all the information about our project there.

Thank you for your continued support, we couldn’t do it without you!

(Insert website link)

➡️ Email template 4: A request to share with friends and family

Word of mouth is one of the most effective fundraising methods. The more people that know about your project, the more donations you can get. Here is a template that encourages people who have already donated to your cause to involve their friends and family:

Dear (insert name),

Your contribution of (insert amount) has gone a long way to helping us reach our fundraising goal of (insert amount) to build a new school for children from low-income households in the U.S. We are very grateful for your support!

There is another way we’d like to ask you to help. Please share the link below with your loved ones so that they can also consider donating to our fundraising efforts to build a new school.

It only takes a few seconds to send the link to your friends and family, and it could make a big difference in the lives of low-income students.

(Insert donation link)

If anyone you share the link with would like to know more about our project to build a new school, they can visit our website: (insert website link) 

➡️ Email template 5: Requesting support from local businesses

Asking local businesses to donate to your cause is another way to add to your fundraising efforts. Often, businesses are looking for worthwhile causes they can contribute to that align with their industry. 

Try using this template when you target local businesses that would likely be interested in your cause:

Dear (insert name),

I’m reaching out to local businesses like yours to let you know about a cause that we’re currently raising funds for in our community.

Our goal is to raise (insert amount) to develop playgrounds in (insert community name) that are safe for children in the area to use. There aren’t many communal areas where children can play and learn in our community, and we want to change this.

So far, we have raised (insert amount) thanks to generous donations from businesses like yours. However, we still have a long way to go to meet our fundraising goal. That’s where you can help.

If you’re interested, use the link below to make a contribution to this cause. Any gift will make a difference.

To donate, simply use the link below:

(Insert donation link)

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about this cause.

How to Structure a Fundraising Email Template

There is no specific structure you should use in your fundraising email. However, here are some essentials to consider:

📧 A header

An image that includes the name and logo of your organization is a great way to incorporate branding in your email. If you don’t have the visual elements to get this right, try a tool like Hyperise.

📧 Your contact information

It’s vital to include your address and contact number, as the donor may want to contact you in other ways. You can also add your website address and any other relevant information.

📧 A greeting

Address the prospective donor by name at the start of your email, either formally or informally.

📧 An acknowledgement of the donor

Thank the donor for their contributions to your organization to date and make them feel their donations have played an important part toward meeting your fundraising goals.

📧 An explanation of the need

You must clearly communicate the need for fundraising. The main focus here would be who or what requires assistance. You may want to include statistics that accurately depict the situation to evoke emotion. 

📧 A clear solution

Identify the fundraising solutions needed to address the specific problem and convey how your NPO is working toward a certain goal.

Launch the Perfect Email Fundraising Campaign with Hyperise

There is no better way to rally support than fundraising email campaigns.

However, unlike other email marketing tactics, your fundraising campaigns should always appeal to the human side of your email recipients.

Cold emails often have a low response rate. But by following the guidance above, you’ll be in a great position to raise the funds you need to make a difference in the world.

Of course, your fundraising campaign’s success depends on the amount raised, so it’s crucial to create emails that grab the reader’s attention and appeal to their emotions.

If you’re not sure where to begin when it comes to creating your fundraising emails, check out Hyperise for all your personalization needs. Our tool has been designed to help people like you craft amazing emails that get results.


Last Updated on March 6, 2024 by